Jay's story

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20+ years of Excel  Knowledge
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Taught thousands of students and consultants
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Managed complex datasets on billion dollar projects worldwide

Jay's background

Jay has been using Excel for as long as he has been using computers. Over some 27 years he has gained an approach to achieving virtually any outcome imaginable through the use of Excel and Spreadsheets.

Excel is a tool of the trade that underpins many industries and becoming an advanced user unlocks efficiencies, insights and unparalleled performance within businesses.

For the last 20 years Jay has consulted within the Construction Industry, to help billion dollar projects understand their costs in un matched detail.

What Jay belives in

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Focus on Impact

Impact is that thing we strive for. That end goal. That change we want to make in the world. The level of success or empowerment that we want or customers, clients and community to achieve. The legacy we want to leave as our imprint on the world!

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Move Fast

Procrastination has never in history yielded results, positivity or progress! I believe in action. Lots of it, and quickly. No matter how small or large, taking small, decisive steps forward, quickly, is the quickest way o progress.

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Be open

No one ever knows everything. History is littered with learned commanders listening to the insights from their delegates and avoiding disaster. Being always open to different thinking, leaves us open to new discoveries!

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Thrive for results

It's the point of what we do. Whatever the result is, thrive on progressing towards it, live in the moments of arriving at that destination. The results add meaning to the journey, no matter which direction we travel in.

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Be collaborative

Business and learning does not need to be adversarial. We achieve much more together. Being open to collaborative working, increases how far we can grow and how much we can achieve.

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Trust backs relationships. Relationships power success. With this, I passionately stand by my business with a commitment to support all who engage with me with continual commitment and transparency to form an unbreakable mutual trust.

My past experience

A little about my journey..

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Theme Park

Presentations Assistant

My first job, oh the memories! I used to walk around a theme park with a broom and occasionally a mop and bucket. It was far from glamourous. But importantly taught me the importance of learning a second, controllable income. I started utilising eBay as a means of earning more money, free from bins.

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Various large firms

Quantity Surveyor

I spent 8 years of my life as a Quantity Surveyor. Analysing and manipulating huge volumes of data, identifying risk, opportunity and contractual entitlement to effectively make my employers as much money as possible.  

Valuable experience, but still a job
Managed packages on multi million and billion dollar construction projects
2006 - 2011
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Various Companies


In 2006 I leaped into entrepreneurism in a bid for freedom and a better way. In this time I became a consultant in the Construction industry, founded a construction software program, appeared on TV, started a car dealership, started my business formation and web services company, and acquired various businesses world wide.

A life changing decision
Business focused on positive impact
2011 — Present

What people have had to say about Jay

Students, Customers, Clients..

"Such a Pleasure"

Jay is such a pleasure. When I think of a business with a 5 star service and customer care it's Jay. Not only does he go above and beyond, you can obviously tell he is not only passionate but has a phenomenal level of expertise. My only reservation is that there aren't 100 stars to give

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"He is truly an expert of the industry"

We have engaged the Jay to assist us with several complex situations.  All of which have always been completed with the utmost professionalism, insight and detail. Happy to endorse a team that has helped us so much.

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Start learning today!

Further your knowledge and explode your efficiency by understanding the true power of spreadsheets.